Realize the entire value of your enterprise systems with integration that is easy to setup and maintain, rapid to deploy, and costs fractions of custom hooks or manual processes.

apidapter_icon_school_green Schools

You have significant investment in your technology. Why leave added value on the table? Free your systems from their silos with Apidapter, at a fraction of the cost of custom, unsustainable integration.


Eradicate custom integrations

No longer consume IT resources or invest in professional services. Apidapter’s configuration interface makes the creation and maintenance of integrations as simple as playing connect-the-dots.


Protect your data

Reduce the risk of security breaches and burden of auditing by shielding sensitive personal and credential data from your growing list of hosted vendors.


Gain valuable insights

Learn how enterprise systems are being utilized across your campus and quickly solve issues when they aren’t working as expected. Your helpdesk will be forever grateful.

apidapter_icon_building_orangeSolution Providers

Integration is the holy grail of education technology. Why let it bog down your development team and limit sales opportunities? Turn integration into a strategic asset you can use to wow clients, close deals, and save money.


Save development resources

Don’t spend time customizing your product for every platform and then every client. Reduce development, testing, and support costs by easily fitting other solutions to a single integration hook of your choice.



Expedite delivery

Build, test, and deploy integrations in hours without using any code through our flexible configuration interface. Then spend even less time maintaining your integrations in the future.



Increase sales

Elevate your clients: their performance, their perception, and their profits. Raise your professional service margins by delivering more with less.


apidapter_icon_building_orangeHighlighted Client: Intellidemia, The Syllabus Geeks

“Apidapter has been a game changer for us. Recently a customer had trouble logging on. Formerly it took us hours to arrive at the root cause and even longer to fix their custom integration thereafter. Using Apidapter we determined in minutes that some user IDs were inappropriately capitalized. Moments later we remedied the issue for good. It is no exaggeration to say that Apidapter cut out 90% of the work for that integration.”
-Judd Rattner, CEO, Intellidemia

Intellidemia works with dozens of colleges across the country to improve the management of course syllabi though their online syllabus management platform Concourse. In order to serve their customers they are regularly asked integrate Concourse into their learning management systems, portals, catalogs, and other campus-wide systems. In doing so Intellidemia was challenged with creating and maintaining a number of integration hooks, many of which ended up being customizations. It was an drag on their business that continued to absorb more and more time, entirely at the expense of core product development. They desperately needed a way to focus back on their main business.

It was then that they approached [built] Apidapter. Though Apidapter’s flexible integration tools Intellidemia has been able to benefit significantly from shorter development cycles, a simplified code base and testing process, and support a wider range of integration scenarios to drive increased sales. Specifically they have been able to:


  • consolidate their integration to a single standard, LTI, while still supporting a multitude of other options like custom SSO and LDAP
  • drastically reduce the amount of time required to design and deploy client-specific integrations
  • speed up the process of troubleshooting and resolving integration challenges


The days of custom integration and maintenance are long gone for Intellidemia and they couldn’t be happier.

Learn more about Intellidemia