Apidapter is a platform for effortlessly building and managing enterprise integrations for education.

For both schools and their vendors this offers tremendous benefit in terms of performance, cost, and time to delivery. Specifically Apidapter can be used to:


  • Drastically simplify or altogether eradicate custom integrations
  • Introduce options for integration that were formerly too difficult or costly to pursue
  • Significantly reduce the integration development and test cycle




Connecting: Configure adapters to filter, parse, and route data


  • Set logic to translate and validate incoming requests
  • Mix and match standards, protocols, and APIs
  • Access rich debugging tools
  • Retire custom scripts and integrations
  • No need to build custom hooks or reformat data


Tracking: Logging and analytics to measure and improve performance


  • Learn how systems are being accessed across your campus
  • Identify and study connectivity issues
  • Find and investigate transaction failures
  • Instant notification about unusual activity and potential attacks


Securing: Ensure compliance and mitigate vulnerabilities


  • Shield credentials from external systems
  • Control access to personal information
  • Plug firewall holes and eliminate weak points
  • Reduce the burden of security auditing


Hosting: Deploy integrations with a few clicks of the mouse


  • Optimized for connection and transaction handling
  • Designed to scale with your organization
  • Rock solid reliability and availability
  • No need to maintain servers, apply patches, or license software
