One of the most useful features of Apidapter is the transaction log which allows developers to view request parameters as they are consumed, transformed, and shipped out. Today’s product update highlights three enhancements to the log which make debugging far more efficient and safer. First take a look at the previous version of the transaction display:
And the new improved version:

Three things to notice. 1. context_id was lowercased 2. custom_personal_email was masked 3. debug_mode was added by the adapter.
The enhancements you can see (and one you can’t) in the screenshot are:
1. Side by side parameter display
With the old display it was possible to use control+f to find a particular parameter by name in the hodgepodge of parameters mashed together. Even then it was hard to find how a particular value was changed by the adapter. Furthermore it was almost impossible to determine if parameters were added or removed between the request and response.
The new side by side display allows for easily tracking changes between values and in determining differences in the parameters included.
2. Masking
When passwords, personal information, or credentials are present in a request this information could be exposed in the log. Adapters can be configured to mask any parameter values you need. In the above screenshot you can see that the “custom_personal_email” value is masked so there’s no risk of personal information being stored in the log.
Find out more about masking here.
3. Latest transaction
During live debugging it’s most useful to view the most recent transaction that was processed. Previously you would have to refresh the adapter page and select the topmost recent transaction every time a test request was sent through the adapter. Now you can keep the latest transaction page open and simply refresh it to view the most recent transaction!